Choices, Chances, Changes

So often I refer to gymnasts as girls- no matter what their actual age is- so I'm always momentarily confused when I see them taking grown-up steps in life, seeing as my interest in their development is mostly done through the lens of how it affects their progress in sport. But so many of the best and the brightest in gymnastics are young adults, and with this transition comes the freedom to make decisions, and a greater responsibility that they be the right ones. As one of my favorite quotes about life says, "If you get a chance take it, and if it changes your life, let it." Congratulations to Ksenia Afanasyeva on marrying her long time boyfriend, Roman Suetin, and to Anastasia Grishina on delivering a healthy child into the world (I think it's a girl!).

I can't believe my faves are adults, doing adulty things and making adulty choices.When did that happen? And how do I make it stop?

The happy couple gave birth about two weeks ago.
Precious. Picture taken from Grishy's instagram
May your marriage be healthier than your ankles, o great one.
